Pier for world sailing competitions, Genoa – YCI
Realization of the piers for the world sailing competitions of the Italian Yacht Club that took place in Genoa.
Realization of the piers for the world sailing competitions of the Italian Yacht Club that took place in Genoa.
Construction of a floating pier in the park of the Royal Palace of Caserta.
Construction of a floating working platform in Marghera (Ve).
Aluminium ramp for launch and landing drifts, adjustable unsinkable polyethylene floats Slide with length of 9 meters and 2.5 meters wide with certified range of 200 KG/MQ Ramp installed at Yachting Club in Rimini
Installation of a floating platform used as Solarium at Fort dei Marmi. The platform was built with our floating cubes CUBO-DOCK made of polyethylene.
Swimming pool made with floating cubes on Lake Santa Giustina in the Sezzadio Agripark – Alexandria.
Platform with hoist to move objects off the seabed.
Cottages with terrace