
Pier for world sailing competitions, Genoa – YCI

Realization of the piers for the world sailing competitions of the Italian Yacht Club that took place in Genoa.

Floating Pier – Royal Palace of Caserta

Construction of a floating pier in the park of the Royal Palace of Caserta.

Floating Working platform – Marghera (Venice)

Construction of a floating working platform in Marghera (Ve).

Aluminium ramp at Yachting Club in Rimini

Aluminium ramp for launch and landing drifts, adjustable unsinkable polyethylene floats  Slide with length of 9 meters and 2.5 meters wide with certified range of 200 KG/MQ Ramp installed at Yachting Club in Rimini

piattaforma galleggiante

Floating Platform – Forte dei Marmi

Installation of a floating platform used as Solarium at Fort dei Marmi. The platform was built with our floating cubes CUBO-DOCK made of polyethylene.

Piattaforma galleggiante pontili galleggianti

Pool made by floating cubo dock

Swimming pool made with floating cubes on Lake Santa Giustina in the Sezzadio Agripark – Alexandria.

piattaforma galleggiante

Platform with hoist

Platform with hoist to move objects off the seabed.

Portavasi galleggiante Piattaforma galleggiante pontili galleggianti